30 Day Writing Challenge (Day #23)

Tobe Ludlow
Jul 23, 2021


Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash

Today I wrote 1065 words. I plan on writing more this weekend. Hopefully 2000+ on both days. I’ve been feeling the urge to start a new story but might try to edit something I’m half way through instead and write the rest of that.

I edited 3062 words today on the story I plan on publishing early next week. I’ll edit the last few thousand words over the weekend.

I got my jab today and haven’t felt any side-effects so that was a relief. I expected to get at least one side-effect but apart from my upper arm feeling a bit sore around the injection site, I feel fine.

It’s late and I’m shattered. Looking forward to a good sleep and a productive weekend!



Tobe Ludlow

Writing about emerging tech, solopreneurs, and the creator economy.